Starting a Conversation

James Moffat
3 min readFeb 12, 2020


It’s never so easy to just start a conversation, unless you have actually thought about what it is you are trying to achieve.

The old saying goes; ‘Think about what you are saying before you open your mouth!’

Which is so true. Therefore, telling stories should have a desired outcome, or what is the point? Otherwise it is a statement and not a story.

Everyone actually tells stories, whether this is for Business or Personal use, we all do it. Yet, we make it extremely difficult for ourselves when we use it for Business purposes.

Why is that?

Because we forget the formula and then struggle, feel the fear, the doubt, forget our desired outcome, mubble, struggling to articulate anything of sense and feel stuck. The end goal becomes misty and we are then in a ‘best recovery’ mode, to try and salvage anything from what we are trying to say.

I’ve been there, done it and completely wasted, not only my time, but that of the audience and the company I represented.

So can we improve and make this memorable and great, that actually achieves our desired outcome?


And I have now mastered the proven formula to help.

Want to know more? Then just reach out…

Before I go, here is a taste:

Storytelling is actually already seated in each and everyone of us, we are all storytellers, yet some have a gift of articulating words in such as way that they leave a long, lasting, memorable experience.

Having worked for many, many years with Californian companies, heading up sales for them in Europe. I have witness the effect of the huge differences between my US colleagues and the European clients and the way business is done on this side of the ‘pond’.

As the founder of Visibility Impact, our focus is on creating visibility to make an impact, via Interactive Storytelling. Not just the monologue, one directional (in some cases very boring), exchange of words, but a way to articulate your value proposition in an elegant, professional, inspiring way, that is engaging, empowering and leaves the audience hanging on your every word wanting more. Therefore obtaining your desired outcome.

So working backwards from ‘Your Desired Outcome’, and following a structure, I call my 3Cs, this will ensure the best results. The 3Cs being: CONNECT, COMMUNICATE and CONVERT.

So whether this is an investor pitch, elevator pitch, TEDtalk, Keynote or Sales pitch, the formula is the same, and works every time.

Although there is much more to this than just 3 words, it’s how you use them. Storytelling is now becoming more of a buzzword and there is more emphasises to use, rather than selling on ‘bells & whistles’. It is so true that stories can, ‘emit cortisol, which heightens our attention, and oxytocin, the peptide hormone.

Therefore, the more engaging the stories, they really become truly interactive, bringing far better and quicker results.

Digressing a little to share an example:

I’m the proud father of 3 small children and bedtimes were a challenge and just reading a story was not the answer, until my eldest son at the time, asked for storybooks I couldn’t find. This was then the birth (4 years ago), of what is now Interactive Storytelling for both Business and Personal purposes.

Leveraging on his imagination and creativity (as Einstein would expect), we create the most magical and memorable bedtime stories, but that’s another story!

So with this structure or formula in place, the same principles apply in Business.

So, my desired outcome for the bedtime storytelling was to get my kids to go to sleep. Additionally creating a ton of by-products that actually are too immeasurable to quantify, which we had never considered as part of this storytelling journey.

Therefore, leveraging on the Power of Interactive Storytelling, any business or family, can gain a massive advantage from those that don’t do this.

Learn More?

If you would like to learn more about this, just drop me a message and I will be glad to share, or send me a message via:

Happy Storytelling! :-)

